How to find the best social media agency for your business

February 14, 2022

You’ve allocated the budget for your social media marketing strategy.

You’ve convinced the CEO that it is essential for growth.

You’ve set key metrics for success.

Now what?

From signposting potential customers to your website, amplifying your brand’s messaging and raising awareness of your products and services, social media has become more than ever before an essential part of any brand’s marketing strategy.

So how do you choose the social media agency that’s right for you?

We’ve been driving brands to reach their desired audience for nearly a decade, and in doing so have come up with a recipe of successful ingredients when appointing the perfect social media agency.

Find a specialist senior leadership team that cares

Social media requires time and experience to plan and grow. You don’t want a team that’s inexperienced, new to the industry, or not up on the latest trends.

Our Senior Leadership team knows our brands and their business inside out.

We’ve been agents of growth from when we were a small team in 2012 to now, when we are proudly one of the fastest growing ad-tech companies in Europe.

Each of our Senior Leaders specialises in one of our four divisions; Community Management, Creative, Paid Social and our specialist ATOM technology.

We’re always here to talk to our clients, whether it’s over the phone, via email and of course face-to-face; establishing a rapport provides a good foundation for any agency/client relationship.

Culture is key

A happy, motivated team means great work and satisfied clients. You want to make sure to find a team that loves what they do, demands the highest standards from themselves and lives and breathes social media.

Our company culture is a big part of why we’re as successful as we are.  As we’ve grown as a business, replicating our highly dynamic start-up culture on a larger scale has meant maintaining our original traditions.

We recognise birthdays, anniversaries and significant milestones in our team members’ lives. We also prioritise get-togethers, team events, away days and team building activities.

Industry leaders

Social media is fast paced, reactive and provokes strong reactions. Finding an agency that understands this is essential to cutting through the noise and a crowded marketplace.

How do we stay ahead?

We regularly attend industry events and host workshops to share, educate and put the agency:2 stance on everything we do.

From live television interviews, to hosting talks at Social Media Week, we deliver thoughtful experiences with confidence, making us leaders in the social sphere.

Our comprehensive blog is up on all the trends and a great source of information within the industry.

The secret sauce to our success

It’s simple. We are committed to our clients. Finding an agency that cares is the first step towards success.

Delivering results is at the heart of everything we do and, ultimately, what we’re judged on. As a leading social media agency, we are experts at creating highly effective campaigns which deliver ROI.

Client testimonials, case studies and awards are good indicators as to whether an agency can deliver what they promise. We thrive on hearing feedback and implementing learnings to optimise future campaigns and build on what we know. This is why we’ve won the FT 1000 Europe’s Fastest Growing Companies in 2019 award.

If you want to find out how to take your social offering to the next level, contact us at agency:2 on 0203 598 9194.


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