June 9, 2016
With the advent of Netflix and Amazon binge-watching, gone are the days of water cooler conversations discussing the latest finales or releases. Instead, daily chatter is focused on social media conversation: who’s tweeted what, broken up with whom and what’s featured on the trending stories on Facebook.
It even goes one step further. Brands are now expected to keep up to date with reactive marketing, the practice of tailoring your content to the topics of the day, hour or even minute. Keeping up is essential to remain current and relevant. If done well, reactive marketing can vastly improve your target reach and audience engagement.
Reactive posts are a great way to make some noise and show that a brand is listening to the social conversation by providing relevant content to its communities. Reactive posts show brands getting involved in the dialogue around particular issues / stories in an interesting way.
However, brands must be careful not to overstep or mis-step. Reacting can often be a knee-jerk reaction, and runs the risk of not being aligned with brand philosophy, creating a social media firestorm or creating bad publicity for a brand.
Reactive posts should be:
- Timely e.g. same day as trending
- Relevant to the brand e.g. consistent with brand values
- Engaging e.g. interesting to the community
- Avoid being too political or controversial in any way (unless this is part of a brand’s strategy, tone of voice or guidelines)
- Have a clear objective for posting e.g. should not be random or look like the brand is jumping on a bandwagon
If you follow these guidelines and keep on top of your reactive marketing, your brand is sure to shine on social.
How will you be part of the #moment?